5 years… Already?! Gosh, I feel like it was yesterday, 5 brilliant kids debuting on stage; Hope, dreams, insecurities, fear, hapiness. Can you imagine how hard it was? Having a lot of mixed up feelings and a huge pressure when you’re that young? and even so, they managed to do it with a big smile on the face. Fearless, Strong and above all, dreamers, these 5 young boys found a way to steal the heart of many many girls around the world. Why? ‘Cause Big Bang is love. and love reaches everything. So today, my lovely boys, I wish you all the best and thank you for being yourselves. I wouldn’t do anything different; I serve a fandom, I cry, I smile, I scream and most of all, I’m the happiest girl ‘cause I’m part of your dreams. VIP until whenever! I’m so proud of you guys! BIG BANG HWAITING!

If you ask me what kept me a VIP? It’s because you are who you are. No strings attached. You frown when you’re sad, you laugh when you’re happy. You say what’s on your mind. And that’s what sets you apart.
So Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Kang Daesung, Dong Youngbae and Lee Seunghyun, never change. Our hearts won’t be shaken. We will always be your loyal VIPS.
And as Buzz Lightyear would say, to infinity and beyond. ♥♥♥
origin:forever-2ne1, via thesuperfangirl

Where do I even begin with these boys; they’ve come such a long way and they’ve gone through the unthinkable. From the very beginning, they were hard workers. Jiyong and Youngbae had come into the company when they were 12, and started off their contract by fetching water for the training artists and cleaning the studio, coming home late every day. TOP was an underground rapper, who at first had gotten rejected by YG and came back 6 months later after losing weight - it’s said he dropped 20kg in a month and a half. Daesung, who’s parents were against his desire of becoming a singer, would sing into his pillow at night, and eventually got recruited by YG. And baby Seungri was originally eliminated from Big Bang, but after pleading for a second chance, impressed YG and got himself in. They all had dreams to become something big, and now they’re known across the globe, wanted in so many countries, and loved by so many people from all over.
Flawless Leader G-Dragon. Flawless, indeed. Brilliant in many ways. Recognized and unique. This man produces, he creates, he writes, he sings, he composes, he raps, he is the perfect musician out there, and, he loves. Aside from the fact that he has a hand in a majority of the songs in Big Bang’s collection, he’s a a brother to the boys and has such a pure heart. He cares for his fans and hides nothing from them. He is our flawless leader and he’s done everything for Big Bang. Selfless, compassionate, honest, loving.
Powerful Rapper TOP. The words “Powerful Rapper” seem to be labelled on many music idols in the K-Pop industry, but TOP surely lives up to the title. This man has had my heart since I first laid eyes on him. He’s fierce on the outside - large, deep voice, soft lips and charismatic eyes - but in reality, he’s still young, and often shows his 5 year old side to the public. As a trainee, his dancing was always looked down upon, but with hard work he’s gotten much better. And unlike how he may seem, he’s quite sensitive. Perhaps TOP isn’t the most open, but he’s surely loved regardless.
Sweet Vocalist Daesung. A real treasure like him is hard to find. Religious? Considerate? Sweet? And not to mention talented? Absolutely. His heart is big and his voice is like honey. Daesung, however, has always seemed more sensitive than the others. He’s been through the thick, he’s been through the thin, he’s been through things that no one could possibly even imagine - and he’s known to walk it all off with a big, beautiful, contagious smile and complimenting smiling eyes. Although he’s yet to come out from his so-called “hiatus” from the most previous happening, VIPs will continue to pray for a healthy and quick recovery. He is, after all, a wonderful man, and he deserves no less.
Loud Maknae Seungri. Seungri Seungri Seungri. He comes off cocky, but inside he’s squishy, and a person everyone seems to love. He’s got his stupid moments, like that time when he walked into the glass door during promotions for his album; I’m sure everyone remembers that. He’s a softie, much like Daesung, and loves all his hyungs more than anything, even though he sometimes gets scolded or questioned for his actions. During rehearsal for Shouting, Seungri had heard that on the way to Family Outing, Daesung had gotten into a serious car crash - he immediately burst into tears, ran into a room, locked himself in and cried for quite some time. He’s got a lot of love in his heart, and even has opened academies in Korea, that specialize in singing and dancing training so that people’s talents can be perfected and recognized. He comes off loud and playful, but always ends up melting our hearts.
Charming Singer Taeyang. The one with the perfect R&B voice, as he’s told. Taeyang has always worked hard to get where he is, and is a God-lover and life-appreciator. Although stubborn at times, he’s extremely devoted to his career, and very, very smart. As Holli says, you’d get the feeling he’d die for you, but he’ll never let you get away with that sort of crap, and he’s very generous. Even though he sold his first kiss on the set of a music video, he’ll steal your heart and refuse to give it back. Some may get cranky when seeing performance after performance of him in sunglasses, but he has an eye problem which causes him massive pain. He’s the type to look on the realistic side; at the time he had hoped that his eye would heal quickly, and viewers saw him walk into surgery with a smile on his face on Real Sound. Taeyang is strong, and puts in heaps of effort into everything he does, and VIP are grateful.
Big Bang. We’ve watched them mature with time and we’ve watched them grow from boys to men. The five of them have accomplished the unthinkable, are still going beyond their wildest dreams and farther than so many other people. We all remember the time when TOP stood on stage and read aloud the one letter that was given to them, filled with all sorts of negativity, telling them to quit while they can, how talent-less they are, how ugly they are and how they’ll land nowhere. There were tears on that stage. Actual tears. Now, they’re on top of the world. All I wish is for them to become even more successful in the world, live long with great health, obtain eternal happiness and satisfaction, and continue to make wonderful use with their talents. Big Bang is absolutely amazing, and never fails to surprise us with what they have in store for next time. As a whole, Big Bang is brilliant. In pieces, these five young men, Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Kang Daesung, Lee Seunghyun and Dong Youngbae, they’re all perfect gems in their own way. Each of them has different taste. Each of them has different views. Each of them is unique. Together, they are one. Individually, they are each perfect.
5 long years. 5 amazing men. Countless memories. You’ll always have a special place in my heart, where I’ll continue to love you with everything I have.
Happy 5th Anniversary Big Bang
origin: taemoon, via kwonjustine

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